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11 Crucial things to do when you see your friend’s girlfriend on Tinder

Her Profile in Tinder AppYou don’t want to catch a cheater when it’s someone you know, like your friend’s girlfriend on the tinder app or other dating apps because it’s an awkward situation to deal with. If this happens to you then you need to decide which approach is best for you to take because you don’t want to hurt your friend but you also need to do the right thing.

1) Don’t tell him

It might be better if you keep the information to yourself if you see your friend’s girlfriend on the tinder app or on other dating apps like Adult Friend Finder because it might cause problems between you and your friend or ruin their relationship. You don’t want to be blamed for that and there’s a chance he might never find out what his girlfriend’s doing so it won’t harm him. If you feel bad about keeping it a secret you can remind yourself that their relationship is none of your business and that you can always tell him later on if you change your mind.

2) Try to find out how old her profile is

How old is her profile?
Some dating apps show when the account was created or when the person last signed in so see if that information is listed on her profile. If it’s an old one or if she hasn’t logged on recently then just forget about it because she’s probably not cheating. If it is a new profile or if she’s still logging on frequently then you need to decide what you want to do next because you now have proof that she’s doing things behind your friend’s back.

3) Find out if they’ve had relationship problems

She might have a perfectly good reason for being on Tinder and you can forget you ever saw her on there. You need to discreetly find out if your friend is having relationship problems by asking him how things are going without being too pushy about it. There is the possibility that they’ve recently broken up or are on a break and both of them are dating other people. By casually asking your friend how he’s doing it makes you look like a caring friend without letting him know that you know a secret about his girlfriend.

4) Think about whether or not she’s the cheating type

If she’s the cheating type then there’s a chance that your friend might know she’s likely to be cheating on him and is fine with it because he doesn’t see it as a serious relationship. You don’t need to do anything if you’re confident that neither of them are getting too involved with each other. If he seems to think it’s a real relationship and is thinking of marrying her then he probably has no idea what she’s doing and you need to figure out the best way to deal with this.

5) Talk to your friend about his relationship status

Some couples have an open relationship or enjoy having threesomes and they meet their play partners through Tinder or dating apps like VictoriaMilan. Your friend might be in this type of lifestyle so talk to him and make it sound like you’re interested in trying a non-traditional relationship with someone you’ve just met. He’ll be more open about his relationship status if he thinks he’s helping you out and you can find out if it’s normal for his girlfriend to date other people or if he thinks he’s in a monogamous relationship.

6) Tell your friend

Tell your friend
Honesty might be the way to go if you think your friend would believe you and that it wouldn’t ruin your friendship but you need to be careful when you tell your friend because you want it to be as gentle for him as possible. Think about how it would feel if you were in his shoes and rehearse what you’re going to say to him so you don’t say anything hurtful or wrong. When you know what you’re going to say, talk to him in private and make it clear that you’re only doing this because you care about him and don’t want him to get hurt.

7) Take screenshots of her profile

To catch a cheater, you need proof otherwise your friend won’t believe you so take screenshots of her profile. Take screenshots of her main profile and a few pictures she’s posted but avoid any nude pictures because your friend doesn’t want to know that you’ve seen her naked. You should also only show these to him if he thinks you’re lying because you might seem too eager if they’re the first thing you show him and he’ll get mad at you.

8) Message her using a fake account

You can use a fake account to message her and if she replies back then you know you’ve discovered how to catch a cheater. Send messages back and forth until it gets to the point of meeting each other because you want to be sure that she’s serious about following through and isn’t just using the app as a way to pass time or goof around.

9) Talk to his girlfriend face to face

You can confront his girlfriend and tell her that you’ve seen her online and that you don’t know whether or not you should tell your friend. You can talk and see if there’s a solution that works for both of you or maybe she’ll be willing to tell her boyfriend what’s going on. Knowing that she’s been caught might be enough to make her stop or it could give her the strength to finally break up with her boyfriend.

10) Have your friend try dating apps

It is possible to have your friend find out for himself what’s going on by encouraging him to try the same app his girlfriend is on. Tell him you’ve just started using it and you’ve had a couple of hot hookups on there. Make it sound like the best app ever so he’ll try it because he’ll look for local girls and it will just be a matter of time before he comes across his girlfriend’s profile.

11) Hint about cheating and see how your friend reacts

If you drop enough hints about cheating then you friend might start getting suspicious about his girlfriend and look into it himself so you don’t have to be the one who breaks the news to him. Tell him that you think your girlfriend is cheating on you then list the signs of cheating, such as her acting different, her being more cautious with her cell phone and laptop and not paying you as much attention. He’ll look for these signs in his own relationship and took more steps if necessary.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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