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How to keep a conversation going with a woman: 9 Tips to look like a natural

Conversation with a women Keeping a conversation going without any awkward silences or accidentally bringing up a sensitive topic is something that doesn’t come naturally to some people. It takes practice and you need to know the right things to do so that you can make the right impression. Having conversation starters already prepared, knowing how to keep her interest and what role you play can help make you seem like a natural. She’s going to enjoy talking to you and will want more so things will start to move faster between the two of you.

1) Have conversation starters ready

Having conversation starters ready ahead of time can make you seem like a natural because it helps stop awkward silences from happening. It also makes you feel more confident because you have an idea of what you’re going to do. Before you talk to her you need to take some time to think of different things you can talk about. These need to be laidback topics such as what her plans for the weekend are or how was her day at work so you can ease into the conversation. The type of things you talk about can be similar whether you’re talking in person or on dating apps because these are meant to break the ice.

2) Ask leading questions

Leading questions are a good idea for conversation starters because it gives her a reason to keep talking to her. These are questions that require more than just a “Yes.” or “No.” answer and can be asked fairly soon after meeting her. You can ask how she’s doing or add a playful tone by smiling and asking if she’s as nervous as you are. Act like you’re genuinely interested in what she has to say, ask her follow up questions when it’s appropriate and give her a chance to ask you questions. Listen to what she says because her answer may help you think of something else to talk about, like if she mentions a hobby she does or a trip she took. You can also remember these details and use them as conversation starters for the next time you meet her.

3) Maintain eye contact

Keeping eye contact
You need to maintain eye contact when talking to her because it helps form a connection and shows her that you’re paying attention to what she’s saying. Your focus needs to be entirely on her so don’t let your gaze wander or get distracted by something else that’s going on in the room. Avoid looking at her too intensely because this can make her uncomfortable. You can smile, nod and be in a relaxed stance while talking to her so you can create the right kind of mood. If you’re a nervous type of person it can feel overwhelming to remember conversation starters while also trying to present yourself in a warm way but you can practice doing this with your friends so it comes easier to you.

4) Talk about common interests

Conversation starters that you’re familiar with are ones you should use because you’re comfortable with the subject. Talk to her about something that you know you have in common, such as hobbies or favourite singers and TV shows. If you’re meeting women on dating apps you can look at her profile and pick out common interests before you contact her so it’s easy for you to decide what to talk about. Make sure it really is a common interest because she’ll realize you’re lying about having so much in common from the way you talk about the topic.

5) Figure out her passion

It’s easy to seem like a natural when you use conversation starter that grab her attention and make her want to talk to you. Figuring out what she’s passionate about can quickly get the conversation going while also taking some of the pressure off of you since she’ll want to do most of the talking. You can prepare this ahead of time if you can check out her profile on dating apps or social media pages. Asking about something she cares about shows her that you notice what’s important to her and are interested in learning more about it. This makes her feel appreciated and she’ll want to tell you everything she can about it before learning about what you’re passionate about.

6) Keep up your side of the conversation

You can’t just use a couple of good conversation starters then expect her to carry the conversation as she now has a lot of things she wants to talk about. You have to keep up your side of the conversation because it’s about the two of you getting to know each other better. You can do this by asking follow up questions, giving her a chance to ask you some conversation starters and by sharing something that you think she’d like to know. If you’re not sure what to say you can let her lead the conversation and only talk when you think it’s appropriate because natural pauses will happen which can be a cue for you to speak.

7) Know what you want to talk about

Knowing what you want to talk about beforehand can help you plan out the conversation. This isn’t perfect because you don’t know what her answers will be but it can give you an idea of how things will go. Run through these ideas so you can put them in a logical order that’s easy to weave into the conversation. Think about what you want to ask her and keep these topics in mind when you talk to her. Don’t be determined to address all of these topics because she may do something similar and take over without you expecting it.

8) Break up the conversation

It’s important to break up the conversation so that it stays fresh and interesting. If you ask her too many questions all at once it can make her feel like you’re interrogating her and she won’t want to talk to you anymore. Start out by asking her one or two questions, give her a chance to answer then wait for her to ask you something. You can also start talking about yourself or show her something interesting on your phone.

9) Share something interesting

Good conversation starters are interesting because it helps both of you stay engaged in the moment. If you ask her a question that you’re hoping leads to a lively encounter she may disappoint by not being sure how to answer. This is why it’s good for you to be the one to take control and share something interesting. It takes the pressure off her and makes you seem more fun.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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