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Approaching a Woman

9 Tips to approach a woman without fear of rejection

When you approach women it will go one of two ways: you’ll set up a date with her or you’ll be getting rejected and the latter outcome is something that a lot of men worry about. No one likes getting rejected and the fear of this happening can stop you from making the first move […]

Dating Fatigue

7 Signs You Have Dating Fatigue & How to Bounce Back

Dating fatigue is something that people don’t talk a lot about because they don’t know that’s what they’re suffering from and blame it on being too stressed out from work, not getting enough sleep or feeling restless with life in general. It’s good to take a break from the dating scene now and again because […]

BDSM experince

8 Tips to rock your first BDSM experience and make it more enjoyable

BDSM is an experience that can help you push your boundaries and live out fantasies you’ve been dreaming of but it can also go wrong very quickly if you aren’t properly prepared for it. When you’re trying bondage or other fetish activities for the first time you can make it more enjoyable by planning how […]

Hooking Up for the first time

9 Common mistakes when hooking-up for the first time

It’s fun and exciting hooking up with someone for the first time but it’s easy to become distracted or overwhelmed by these feelings. Your libido will take over and you’re going to be more open to risky behaviour. This can lead to you making mistakes that will ruin your experience or cause regret later on. […]

People in Love

10 Ways highly intelligent people act differently in love

People who are highly intelligent act differently when they’re in love because it’s easier for them to process their thoughts and feelings. This means they’re straightforward about their feelings, are less likely to rush into love and understand that there’s a difference between having sex and being in love. Those are the major differences but […]

Naked Woman

8 Things smart men never say when a woman is naked

When you’re with a naked woman there are some things you should never say because it will ruin the mood and she’s not going to be happy with you. She doesn’t want to be embarrassed about how she has her pubic hair or trying new sex positions, worrying about how attractive she is because this […]

She is not satisfied in bed

9 Warning signs she’s not satisfied in be

It’s important that your partner is satisfied in bed because if she isn’t then it will drive a distance between the two of you and that will affect your relationship. There are some obvious signs you’ll notice right away, like her declining sex drive and her lack of enthusiasm during sex, but there are more […]

After my divorce

10 Positive things I could have only achieved after my divorce

Going through a divorce is a painful experience for most people but if you keep an open mind you’ll realize that some positive things can come out of it. Knowing this can help you keep perspective on what has happened and you’ll be better equipped to have a health relationship once you start to date […]

Hook up with aussie women

The 8 best tips to hook up with Aussie women like a gentleman

If you want to hook up with Aussie women you have to act like a gentleman and sweep them off their feet because they want a man that’s different from the others. A good first impression will help you successfully turn a chance meeting on dating sites into a fun one night stand and you […] Protection Status