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6 Habits of your partner that you should NEVER put up with

Abusive Relationshis destroy trust No one should ever be in an abusive relationship but you might not realize you’re in one because abuse isn’t always physical. It can be controlling behaviours like monitoring what you do on social media or restricting what you do in your spare time. These are some habits that you should never put up with because it takes away the equality in relationships.

1) Monitoring social media

Your partner should never do things like demand your passwords to social media sites or monitor what you do online. This shows a lack of trust and this is giving them too much access to your personal life. You should be friends with them on these sites so they know you’re not hiding anything but they shouldn’t be more involved than that.

2) Choosing your friends

You’re an adult and you know who you like to spend time with so don’t let your partner tell you who you can be friends with. This creates isolation because your friends won’t like this attitude and they’ll stop hanging out with you. Your partner will slowly cut you off from people and will only let you be friends with people that they feel is safe for you to be around.

3) Ignoring your boundaries

A healthy relationship has balance and respect and both of you feel comfortable with each other. Personal boundaries should always be respected and if your partner ignores these you’re going to feel unimportant and unloved. You’ll feel nervous around them because you won’t know what they’ll do next and over time you’re going to distance yourself from them.

4) Name calling

An abusive relationship can be verbal, mental or emotional as well as physical. If they’re constantly calling you names like fat, lazy or stupid then that’s going to take an emotional toll on you. This is bullying and you should never put up with this type of behaviour because you deserve to be treated better. If they do this in front of other people then it’s going to make you feel worse because they’re adding to your humiliation and they don’t care about the effects it’s having on you.

5) Demanding all of your time

You’re entitled to have a life outside of your relationship and a good partner will understand when you spend time on hobbies or going out with your friends. A partner that demands all of your time is trying to control you and make you get used to depending on them. This makes it harder to breakup with them because you’re going to get used to giving in to them and only spending time with them.

6) Lying

If your partner is lying to you then they’re doing something they don’t want you to know about. You won’t know if they’re cheating on you or engaging in habits like drinking or doing drugs which could have an impact on your relationship later on.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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