7 Signs you’re a sex addict
Sex addiction is sometimes referred to as a love addiction but that’s just a way to make it sound better. Sex addiction is a serious thing and can make people’s lives difficult and stressful. If you think you might have a problem then take some time to look at the signs and see which ones are affecting you. Once you know where your issues lie then you can start working on them.
1) You get sex however you can
When you have a sexual addiction you will do anything to get it and you’ll explore all avenues involving sex. You’ll browse online dating sites for singles near you, you’ll watch porn and go on cam sites and you’ll cruise bars looking for lonely women. You’ll try to hook up with anyone that catches your eye and it doesn’t matter if you feel a connection with them or not. All that matters is they’re willing to have sex with you.
2) You hide how much you want sex
It’s normal to want sex but if you’re hiding just how much you want then you need to think about why that is. Do you think you want it more than others and notice your friends seem to have lower sex drives? Does your partner seem to want less sex than you and seems uncomfortable when you want more of it? These reactions will make you hide your desire for sex because deep down you know that you want it more than you should.
3) You think about sex all the time
Everyone thinks about sex but not all the time. They’ll think about it when they’re in the mood, when there’s a sex scene on TV or when they see an attractive person.
4) Your friends notice a change
If your friends notice a change in your behaviour and ask you if everything is okay then it means that things have gotten to the point where it’s affecting your interactions with people. They might say you’ve been distracted lately, that you’ve been cancelling or that you’ve been talking about sex more often. Pay attention to this because your friends care about you and wouldn’t mention it unless they were worried.
5) You don’t think about consequences
Sex can have serious consequences like STD’s and pregnancy but if you’re too focused on sex you forget about this. Instead you’ll take risks with your health because you’re too eager to have sex and you’re more willing to skip using a condom if the other person doesn’t mention it. A person who doesn’t have a sex addiction will be able to take the time and think clearly before making a decision.
6) You have relationship problems
Think about the relationships you have and whether or not sex is an issues with them. Do you tend to have flings instead of being committed to someone? It might be because you’re only with them for sex and you move quickly on to the next conquest. Do you have a partner but your need for sex means you’re sleeping with them and other people? If so then you need to decide if it’s because your partner has a low sex drive or if the problem is you.
7) You ignore work and plans
Sex is a small part of life when compared to work and spending time with family and friends. If you’re always ignoring work projects or cancelling plans with other people just because you’re interested in having sex then you have a problem. You should be able to put aside your needs for a short amount of time when there’s something more important that needs your attention.
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