Attracted to someone’s voice (8 Reasons why you find someone’s voice attractive)

There are lots of traits that can be attractive but most people tend to think of physical ones and don’t realize just how powerful audio can be. They know they love listening to their crush talk but don’t know why they feel that way. This is because a sexy voice can make you feel a range of emotions, from feeling safe to feeling like you know them well. Being attracted to someone’s voice isn’t that unusual and can be a way to start building a relationship with them because it tells you more about them than you first realized.
1) It can convey confidence
Confidence is a personality trait that many people find attractive and this can be shown through body language and voice. A sexy voice that’s confident is one that speaks in an even tone, there’s no hesitation and they avoid using slang. They think before they speak and they only say what matters to them instead of wasting time making useless small talk. They stand out from others and you want to spend more time with them because you like how they portray themselves.
2) They can sound strong
This draws you to them and you listen more carefully to what they say because they come across as authoritative. You feel like they’re reliable and can deal with any situation which creates a safe feeling between the two of you because you respond to this in a compatible way. Part of you likes the idea of being with someone strong and knowing that this is how they present themselves makes them more attractive than if they spoke in another tone of voice.
3) It can help create a feeling of intimacy
Intimacy can take time to build between two people but the process can speed up considerably depending on the way someone speaks. This happens because the tone of voice and words used make you feel a certain way. When they speak to you in a soft tone or use positive words it makes you feel closer to them and you want to spend more time with them because you like the way they make you feel. They’re expressing themselves in a loving way, whether they realize it or not, and you find them attractive because they’re speaking to you in a way that a partner would. This makes it easier for you to imagine being in a relationship with them and you may start trying to make that happen.
4) It gives you an idea of their personality
A voice can tell you a lot about a person and you pick up small details when you listen to them talk. You don’t always know you’re noticing these details but they help make up how you think about them. It tells you what their personality is like and knowing this can cause you to find them attractive. You think they’re a nice person and you know this because they speak in a soft tone and lilt their tone at the right times. They sound kind but get excited or passionate when it’s appropriate. This gives you a glimpse at their personality which helps you find them attractive because it’s the basis for imagining what it would be like to date them.
5) Good memories can be triggered
Good memories can be triggered by a sexy voice because it can remind you of an ex you still care for or a friend. Their voice may audibly sound the same which is why you think of someone else who’s made you happy or they may use certain phrases or talk about similar topics. This makes you associate their voice with feeling happy and this make you feel attractive towards them. Even though you don’t know them very well they seem familiar because they make you remember the past and like you’ve known them for longer. It’s a type of intimacy and you can make it grow stronger by getting to know them better.
6) Helps you imagine them being romantic
When you hear a sexy voice it’s easy to imagine being in a romantic situation with them because it stimulates certain parts of you. You get caught up in what you’re hearing and because it makes you feel aroused you start letting your imagination run wild. You want to make these fantasies real because you find them attractive and the way you now think of them makes it harder to ignore. You think about them using that tone of voice and saying the right words over a candle lit dinner that will make you eager to take things into the bedroom and this won’t stop until you take the initiative and ask them out.
7) A sexy voice makes them seem physically appealing

A sexy voice can make any person seem more physically appealing no matter what they look like. You hear them speak and it’s like you become enchanted by them, you get a rush of positive feelings and this makes you overlook flaws you’d normally focus on. When you do notice their flaws you ignore them by reminding yourself how attractive they are when they speak and this keeps them on an elevated level in your mind. The way the dress or their body shape may not be the best but you don’t care because their voice makes you feel warm or send shivers down your spine. You like those feelings and is all you can think about when you’re with them.
8) It tells you how they feel about you
You can find yourself becoming attractive to someone because they show an attraction to you first. They may not say it to you because it’s too soon to make the first move but it will be obvious from their voice. When they talk they’ll use a gentle tone of voice with a husky undertone so you know they’re feeling sexual attraction and as it grows they get a breathiness to their voice. It’s clear they want you and this can be an easy way to figure this out besides body language. Knowing they’re interested in you fuels your own desires and anticipation builds until you’re sending the same signals with your own sexy voice.
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