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How to ruin your chances of hooking up with a woman

Hooking Up
When you think there’s a chance of you hooking up with a woman the last thing you want to do is ruin your chances by saying or doing the wrong thing. If you act too casual or too domineering then she’ll be turned off so you need to find the right balance if you want to hook up with her.

Women are attracted to personality more than looks so if you act a certain way you could easily ruin your chances as soon as you meet her. If you meet in person then smile, act friendly but don’t be too touchy and don’t run your eyes over her body. She will notice you checking her out and it might make her feel uncomfortable. If you meet online then send her one message and leave it up to her to reply. If you send her more than one message it makes you seem desperate and she’s going to wonder why you’re so fixated on her. Timing is important when you’re interested in someone. If you ask to meet too soon then you might come across as desperate or pushy but if you wait too long then she’ll think you’re not that interested in her.

You need to find the right time length between exchanging contact information and setting up a meeting otherwise you’re going to push her away. A good rule of thumb is waiting a day because it doesn’t make her think you’re desperate to meet or that you’ve found somebody else. The things you say could be a turn off if you’re too casual with her. Greeting her with a simple “Hey.” or calling her a nickname like “Babe.” is fine if it’s somebody you know but if it’s someone you’ve just met it will make her think you can’t be bothered to remember her name. Try to call her by her first name and make eye contact when you speak to her so she feels a connection with you. Your first meeting should be all about the two of you so make sure to keep your focus on her because she’ll notice if you check out other women or flirt with the waitress at the club. At the end of the first meeting you’ll want her to go back to your place but you can’t say to her “I want you to come over for the night.” That is way too forward and it would be better if you eased your way into that area of conversation. start by asking her if she had plans for later that night and see what she says.

If she says she has to walk the dog before bed or get up early for work then leave it at that because she’s hinting that she won’t be spending the night with you. Don’t get upset if she’s changed her mind and act like it doesn’t bother you. If she says she’s free all night then ask if she wants to go back to your place for a drink. She’ll take you up on the offer if she likes the first impression you’ve made on her.

Hooking up with someone takes a bit more effort than just asking them to come over to your place for some fun. If you don’t act like a gentleman and give her the attention she deserves then she’ll either think you’re arrogant or not interested in her. A woman doesn’t want to hook up with a guy like that so make her feel special and treat her with respect and kindness.

Author at Monkeys Reviews Australia
Emily is based in Sydney.
She is working as writer for diferent websites. She has published many hand-books about adult dating and relationships.
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